Collection of Links
- Updating Citizenship-Based Taxation.
- L’hégémonie du droit des successions français.
- Imposition des bénéfices des trusts: ce que prévoit le Projet de loi de finances pour 2022.
- What You Should Know About State Taxes and Residency While Living Abroad.
- Moving to Singapore as an American Abroad.
- How Foreign Pensions Can Reduce Social Security Benefits.
- PREP Podcaster – Updating Citizenship-Based Taxation – Regulation, Legislation or Both?
- – New Generation of Tax Talent: Young Voices’ Future of Finance.
- Taxgirl Podcast by Kelly Phillips Erb. – 69: Winners of Student Tax Writing Contest Hint at the Bright Future of Finance.
- The Review : Journal of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment (p.8, June 2021).
- Financial IT : Innovations in FinTech – CISI announced 2021 Educational Trust Awards Totalling £14,000.
- ELSA-Deutschland e. V Jahresberichte · Bundesvorstand 2019/2020.
- Project: Le Figaro – Harry Potter: Voldemort en procès au Grand Rex.
Edited Articles & Contributions
Edited Books (de-published)
- La Guerre Des Mondes: Introduction Sur L’Introduction sur le drame radio de Orson Welles, H.G. Wells.
- La Toison d’Or, Théophile Gautier.
- Hier et Demain, Pensées brèves, Gustave Le Bon.
- Qu’es que le tiers état? et Dire de l’abbé Sieyès sur le véto royal: Edition 2018 Illustrée, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès.
- Underground Man, Gabriel Tarde and H.G. Wells (Preface).
- Philistine and Genius, Boris Sidis.
- Le Grand Grimoire: Dragon Rouge, unknown.
- Brief recit de la navigation faicte es ysles de Canada: La découverte du Canada, Jacques Cartier.
- The sources and aim of human progress: A study in social psychology and social pathology, Boris Sidis.
- Du Contrat Social de Rousseau & analyse par Emile Durkheim.
- Early Voyages to America: A paper read before the society,ᅠJames Phinney Baxter.
- Bayonet Training Manual: Used to win WWI, British Army.
- Le Premier Détective; Les enquètes d’Auguste Dupin, Edgar Allan Poe (translated by Charles Baudelaire).
- Vie de saint Antoine: Le saint qui affronta le démon, illustré, Athanase d’Alexandrie.
- L’Antéchrist, Abbé Augustin Lemann.
- Selected Sermons, Meister Eckhart.