Elliot Bramham
Financial Planner

Raised on the French Riviera, I spent most of my life outside of the United States. Prior to financial planning, I gained experience in Paris with multi-national law firms and in the United Kingdom with a boutique wealth management company during my postgraduate studies. I used my spare-time to take part in a variety of activities including the creation of an online publishing house and serving as national treasurer in the largest independent law students’ association, leading to regular travels across Europe.

I graduated from law school in France where I studied Comparative Law before studying Investment Management in the U.K. In addition, I passed the CFP® certification exam from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, passed the regulatory exam of the French financial markets authority (AMF), hold a Series 65 license to act as investment adviser in the U.S. and am a recipient of an educational trust award from the main U.K. financial services professional body (CISI).

Author of multiple legal articles, I am published by Bloomberg as a winner of the inaugural Bloomberg Tax & Accounting Insights student writing competition.


  • International wealth management
  • US expat financial planning
  • Cross-border investment strategies
  • International family financial advisory
  • Expat tax planning

Relevant Materials

Relevant International Financial Planning Articles

Tax and Investment Features in Articles and Podcasts

Short Financial Markets Winning Essay

Contributions and Edited Articles in Law

List of Edited Philosophy Essays

List of Edited Books - Discontinued

  • La Guerre Des Mondes: Introduction sur le drame radio de Orson Welles, H.G. Wells.
  • La Toison d’Or, Théophile Gautier.
  • Hier et Demain, Pensées brèves, Gustave Le Bon.
  • Qu’es que le tiers état? et Dire de l’abbé Sieyès sur le véto royal: Edition 2018 Illustrée, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès.
  • Underground Man, Gabriel Tarde and H.G. Wells (Preface).
  • Philistine and Genius, Boris Sidis.
  • Le Grand Grimoire: Dragon Rouge, unknown.
  • Brief recit de la navigation faicte es ysles de Canada: La découverte du Canada, Jacques Cartier.
  • The sources and aim of human progress: A study in social psychology and social pathology, Boris Sidis.
  • Du Contrat Social de Rousseau & analyse par Emile Durkheim.
  • Early Voyages to America: A paper read before the society, James Phinney Baxter.
  • Bayonet Training Manual: Used to win WWI, British Army.
  • Le Premier Détective; Les enquètes d’Auguste Dupin, Edgar Allan Poe (translated by Charles Baudelaire).
  • Vie de saint Antoine: Le saint qui affronta le démon, illustré, Athanase d’Alexandrie.
  • L’Antéchrist, Abbé Augustin Lemann.
  • Selected Sermons, Meister Eckhart.